In response to the dynamic nature of contemporary conflicts, the course underscores the increasing importance of cultivating awareness and proficiency in International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and humanitarian principles. Meticulously designed to explore fundamental IHL concepts, the course aims to provide military and enforcement officers with a comprehensive understanding of key documents regulating armed conflicts, all while considering a human rights law perspective. Emphasizing distinctions between combatants and non-combatants, prohibitions on indiscriminate attacks, and the imperative to protect civilians and prisoners of war, the course empowers participants to navigate the complex web of regulations governing armed forces. Additionally, it extends its focus to the interplay between IHL and Human Rights Law, emphasizing the need to uphold human rights standards during armed conflicts. By deepening participants' comprehension of legal frameworks, including the Geneva Conventions and customary international law, the course serves as a pivotal platform for officers to both grasp the intricacies of IHL and develop the skills necessary for its effective application in diverse conflict settings.


  • To provide participants with a thorough understanding of International Humanitarian Law by exploring the foundational principles, key concepts, and legal frameworks that govern armed conflicts.
  • To equip participants with the practical skills and knowledge required to apply International Humanitarian Law effectively in various conflict scenarios. This involves understanding how IHL principles are integrated into military planning, rules of engagement, and operational decision-making processes.
  • To broaden the perspective of participants by integrating a human rights law dimension into the study of International Humanitarian Law by exploring the synergies and interplay between IHL and Human Rights Law, emphasizing the importance of upholding human rights standards even amid armed conflicts.


  • Military personnel, enforcement staff and academia (postgraduates, undergraduates, lecturers)
  • Others working in the field of enforcement law and also open to the public


6 - 8 March 2024
(6 March 2024 - check in & registration,
8 March 2024 - checkout)


08.00 AM - 16.30 PM
(Malaysian Time GMT +8)


Kuala Lumpur


International participant USD 650 (with accomodation)
Local participant MYR 1600 (without accomodation)

The registration is closed.
Contact Us

For any inquiries please contact: Centre for Military Law and International Humanitarian Law (CoMIHL), National Defence University of Malaysia.

: 03-9051 3400 ext 3495

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