"Navigating Ethical Waters: Safeguarding Humanity in Maritime Warfare"


The course aims to give a basic introduction to the LOAC at Sea and will be conducted over three days, targeted at middle-level naval operational and legal staff officers (Lieutenant to Lieutenant Commanders or equivalent) from countries in the APR region. It consists of a combination of presentations and syndicate discussions emphasizing the law of naval warfare and related topics such as neutrality, blockades, and sanctions. The proposed topics seek to illuminate the legal framework that confers exceptional powers for the exceptional situation of conflict and provide helpful guidance in the use and application of these powers during different phases of military operations in the maritime domain, i.e., preparation, planning, execution, and follow-up. The course also touches on humanitarian activities and other considerations at sea. In addition to the IHL and LOAC focus on naval warfare, the course also brings to light contemporary maritime issues from the security and strategic lenses.


  • Build the capacity of naval forces in the region in LOAC and IHL at Sea.
  • Establish operational dialogue with selected countries on maritime security issues and operations in the Asia Pacific region.


  • The is intended for middle-level naval operational and legal staff officers (Lieutenant to Lieutenant Commanders or equivalent) with operational backgrounds.
  • Military personnel, enforcement staff and academia (postgraduates, undergraduates, lecturers) are also invited.


30 July - 1 August 2024
(30 July 2024 - check in & registration,
1 August 2024 - checkout)


08.00 AM - 16.30 PM
(Malaysian Time GMT +8)


To be confirmed
Contact Us

For any inquiries please contact: Centre for Military Law and International Humanitarian Law (CoMIHL), National Defence University of Malaysia.

: comihl@upnm.edu.my
: 03-9051 3400 ext 3495

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