"Safeguarding Justice: Strengthening Enforcement Agencies for a World Free from Torture".


This comprehensive course is designed to empower enforcement agencies with the knowledge, skills, and ethical principles necessary to prevent torture and uphold human rights. The theme encompasses a holistic approach to fostering a culture of respect for human dignity, integrity, and lawful conduct within enforcement agencies. The course aims to equip participants with practical strategies, legal frameworks, and psychological insights to prevent torture, promote accountability, and strengthen the overall effectiveness of law enforcement.


  • To foster a deep understanding of international human rights principles, legal frameworks, and ethical standards among enforcement agency personnel.
  • To equip enforcement agencies with the tools and skills necessary to proactively identify and prevent situations that may lead to torture or human rights violations.
  • To establish a framework for accountability within enforcement agencies, emphasizing transparency, oversight mechanisms, and victim support services to address instances of misconduct and rehabilitate both survivors and professionals.


  • Military personnel, enforcement staff and academia (postgraduates, undergraduates, lecturers)
  • Others working in the field of enforcement law and also open to the public


24 - 26 April 2024
(24 April 2024 - check in & registration,
26 April 2024 - checkout)


08.00 AM - 16.30 PM
(Malaysian Time GMT +8)


To be confirmed
Contact Us

For any inquiries please contact: Centre for Military Law and International Humanitarian Law (CoMIHL), National Defence University of Malaysia.

: comihl@upnm.edu.my
: 03-9051 3400 ext 3495

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